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This was absolutely wonderful!

Thanks TigerJ!


Ottimo lavoro ragazzi!! il gioco e' carino e divertente ed è un tuffo nel passato quando giocavo alle vecchie avventure dalla Lucas art . 


I love the looks :) Really cool looking pixel art. There's something about the visuals that keeps my eyes glued to the screen, haha. The colours and noise blends nicely, I like this a lot 


great jobs

Thanks for the walkthrough! :)


Fully voiced? Amazing! This was a hilarious little play. Didn't finish the whole thing, but really enjoyed what I played. "Mellon--ah well, it was worth a try" XD

Thanks for your great work!


Great adventure, it reminds me of the flavor of Lucas adventures. Really well done, excellent work.


Like it


Great and entertaining game (as always)!
aqua reference is the best thing ever :).



So cool!! I love it :)


Muchas Gracias! Glad you liked it.